Nov 17, 2022 | Press

An Exclusive Interview with Caroline Usher, Founder of the Award-winning Design Studio UBD

Luxury Lifestyle Awards: Where do you find the inspiration that has led you to be one of the top designers in Indonesia? 

Caroline Usher: There’s no other way to say it but it’s all in my head. From the age of seven, I would wander off by myself into hills behind our little house in a coastal village in Pukerua Bay, New Zealand. I was captivated by the colors, where the sea meets the sky, the waves breaking into the rocks below, and the emerald grassy hills – constantly in a daydream imagining beautiful scenes. By age ten, I was making my clothes, a skill taught to me by my mother, imagining my couture fashion line and designing the runway. I’ve always been creative. I’ve always been designing in my head. I was also in the movie industry for 22 years, and this is where I also find inspiration, creatively.